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Seafile is an open source Dropbox alternative that offer encryption on client-side (data is stored encrypted on the server and server don't have password). This article mostly follows Seafile manual installation process and describe how to install Seafile in a Debian chroot running on a Synology DiskStation NAS.
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Seafile 4.X introduce a major feature: synchronization over HTTP/HTTPS protocol. This makes it easier to configure Seafile when server is behind a router and also easier to use when syncing over a firewall.
The way to compile and get Seafile 4.X working on Synology is almost the same compared to Seafile 3.X. Please refer to Seafile 3.1 on ARMv7-based Synology DiskStation NAS and Seafile 3.1 with http proxy on Synology as this article will just list the few differences from previous version.
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Synology offers great tools: Cloud Station automatically synchronizes your files between your PC and the Synology NAS, and Photo Station has a nice web interface to let your family and friends access your pictures.
Unfortunately, these tools do not play together. I want my pictures to be automatically synchronized with my Synology NAS and be available from Photo Station. The Photo Station includes a transfer tool but that's not an automatic solution. I'll use Cloud Station since it can also be used to synchronize other files. The solution has three parts:
- First, install Cloud station and create a folder to put the pictures in.
- Then, mount the folder into a subfolder of Photos to make it available from Photo Station.
- Finally, monitor any change to the folder to force generation of a thumbnail for each new picture.
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Seafile is a great tool. Out of the box, it uses different ports but to make your router configuration easier and to make sure your connection won't be blocked by strict access points, you may want to use the default TCP port for HTTP traffic.
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Seafile is an open source Dropbox alternative that offer encryption on client-side (data is stored encrypted on the server and server don't have password). Sadly there is no Seafile package for Synology. In order to lower maintenance I choosed to install Seafile in a Debian chroot running on the NAS.
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