Starcraft II is not only a great game, but it's free to play and can run on linux!

Here is a quick how to install and run and Startcraft II on linux Debian (testing) Buster.

Touchpad may be convenient when you don't have enough space to use a mouse. But it's more often a source of annoyance when you're typing something and you're losing focus each time your hand hits the touchpad. That's why I like to disable the touchpad when I'm using a mouse. Here is a way to automatically disable your touchpad using udev and synclient.

Yay, it's holiday time! playa, mountain, road trip... Everyone had a camera and everyone took so much pictures... and there are now hundreds of photos from several devices to resize, rotate and rename Surprised !

To make this an easier task, here are some tools to the rescue Wink. Remember to backup your pictures before performing any change to prevent errors or data loss.

Xorg configuration is a wide topic which is discussed in many places so this is just a reminder for myself Wink. I'm using a laptop with a GeForce 8400M. It has a built-in 1440x900 LCD screen, a VGA output and a S-video/Composite TV output. I'm using it at work with an additionnal LCD screen and a US keyboard layout, while at home I don't use any extra screen except when watching films on TV. Here is my Xorg configuration with nvidia's TwinView.

Ripping a CD to mp3 isn't that easy for a debian newbie. This operation require a package that is not available from the official package repositories.