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The best way to keep your data safe is to set up automated backups. And your best tool to have automated backups might be your router running OpenWrt: a router is usually always up & connected to the Internet so you'll never miss a backup run .
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The more packages you install on your OpenWRT, the more space you need. If your router has an USB port, here is a simple way to replace the JFFS flash partition with an external USB stick or hard drive.
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Most wifi routers are used as access point in infrastructure mode. However it is possible to configure then as wifi client so they can connect themselves to other access points. Here is how to do it on OpenWrt.
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The WAG54G is a DSL router made by Linksys. After a while it usually start dropping connexions. Hopefully there is an hardware solution: replace one of the capacitors of the WAG54G.
But if you don't have appropriate gear or don't want to do this kind of surgery, you can still try to reduce the router ethernet speed, slowing it down from 100Mb/s to 10Mb/s.
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QoS (Quality of Service) prioritize your network trafic. Here is a way to do it on your OpenWrt.
The proposed script divide your outgoing network trafic into 5 priority classes as follow:
- 1 - ping, DNS, ack : very fast
- 2 - gaming, SSH : high priority, reliable
- 3 - local services : good bitrate, average response time
- 4 - users: web and email(default class)
- 5 - peer 2 peer
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